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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
True. Last trip I promise myself to "let myself go" - my body, my health, my location (obviously :p), my emotions, and above all, my WORK! :o For some reason couldn't quite let that last one go as much as I would have liked, but I got close enough :) It's not that I worried what was going on while I was away (thank God), but I dreamt about work, etc.

My replacement was freaking out a little bit yesterday when I got her to practice taking notes in the ward meetings, but I managed to talk her out of feeling embarrassed about not knowing all these fancy words and how to spell them. Other than that, she's been really good, especially considering her background is construction!

That's great and means you are a good trainer ;) I don't care about work..I fully expect them to have issues without me since it seems like half the time I'm the only one who knows whats going on around here lol.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
That's great and means you are a good trainer ;) I don't care about work..I fully expect them to have issues without me since it seems like half the time I'm the only one who knows whats going on around here lol.

Aww thank you :) I seriously had no idea how much knowledge I had until I started explaining everything from scratch, then I managed to confuse myself with what I was teaching because I was putting myself in her shoes :ugly: The last time I went on leave my replacement called it quits on my position and relieved a different one instead, while her replacement called in sick every other day apparently. Anyways, so we went through my notes again to make sure they made perfect sense, so that if she forgot every single thing I taught her she'd have no reason to panic :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
True. Last trip I promise myself to "let myself go" - my body, my health, my location (obviously :p), my emotions, and above all, my WORK! :o For some reason couldn't quite let that last one go as much as I would have liked, but I got close enough :) It's not that I worried what was going on while I was away (thank God), but I dreamt about work, etc.

My replacement was freaking out a little bit yesterday when I got her to practice taking notes in the ward meetings, but I managed to talk her out of feeling embarrassed about not knowing all these fancy words and how to spell them. Other than that, she's been really good, especially considering her background is construction!

oh, then it is realy not easy...