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10 Aug. 2011
Copenhagen, Denmark
So, I would like to state that I am dangerously dedicated to going to Wacken 2013.

Here's how's my next weeks will go:

On July 26th, me and my gf will pack up all our stuff here in Dublin and drive to my mum's in Denmark, saying goodbye to Ireland (most likely for good). That's, if you drive non-stop, about 24 hours. We expect to be in Denmark on the 29th in the morning.

On July 31st, we will take the train to Wacken and party hard as always, while my mum and family takes a van and our stuff and sets up our new apartment in Copenhagen on August 1st. My mum will sort out the place as good as she can and such.

Sunday the 4th of August, we will take the train to Copenhagen directly.

Monday the 5th of August, I start in my new job in Denmark. Thankfully it is only training, so I think I'll survive.

So yeah, this is going to be a FUN month! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
So, I would like to state that I am dangerously dedicated to going to Wacken 2013.

Here's how's my next weeks will go:

On July 26th, me and my gf will pack up all our stuff here in Dublin and drive to my mum's in Denmark, saying goodbye to Ireland (most likely for good). That's, if you drive non-stop, about 24 hours. We expect to be in Denmark on the 29th in the morning.

On July 31st, we will take the train to Wacken and party hard as always, while my mum and family takes a van and our stuff and sets up our new apartment in Copenhagen on August 1st. My mum will sort out the place as good as she can and such.

Sunday the 4th of August, we will take the train to Copenhagen directly.

Monday the 5th of August, I start in my new job in Denmark. Thankfully it is only training, so I think I'll survive.

So yeah, this is going to be a FUN month! :D



W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Today's been a headache of a day at work. Coworker let a fraud get a contract even though I told him not to. Someone got upset at me for not setting up a prepaid phone for them when we're not supposed to because that particular service takes an hour to set up. Someone else got upset at me when I didn't let her friend get a contract over not having proper ID - though I wouldn't have anyway because he couldn't really speak English and obviously had no idea what he was doing. Like at all. First question was "how does this work?". The first two phones he pointed out weren't even from the service he said he wanted. And then he just pointed to a random one. Same thing for the plan. He just obviously didn't know what he was doing.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
On an unrelated note, I hate 18-wheeler truck drivers.

The majority of them I'm mostly okay with. But I also hate people in general even though most are okay. :o

But the percentage of truck drivers I hate is much higher than the percentage of people I hate.