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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
When do you return?
A friend of mine is also coming with me back home, from Roermond. He'll be here foe a week. And then it's National Holiday / Fête Nationale in Belgium. (21/7)
Going to be a quiet next few days with all you guys gone!
Well, I'll be missing you, but can't write here. No i-net, and bad network.
So... you'll have to do without me/us. ;)
Argh, can't let stress make me too late for bed :o Good night all, "see" you whenever :)

Good night! And have a safe trip!!


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Feb. 2012
By the way.. Does anyone know where we can get a LTE/GSM Sim cards for a Galaxy S4 in Paris or Stuttgart?

In Stuttgart there's a electronic store across main station "Hauptbahnhof" called "Mediamarkt". They offer products from different providers. And you should find stores from different providers on "Königstraße"!


5 Mai 2013
You'll be going for a prepaid account, I assume?
I wonder what the situation for those is in Germany...

In Norway, they've been restricted so that you have to have all kinds of personal info registered before you're allowed to use the account (wouldn't want -gasp- people talking without daddy Govt being able to find out who they are, would we?). In other words, you can't just walk into a store and buy a SIM card - you have to register with the telco and order one.