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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Yikes. :D

Training for Wacken, ain't you? :D

Looks like it :p

Training for my pending trip to Italy started this evening (we arrive on Sunday afternoon local time) with a massive dinner. I just know my relatives are going to force feed me :ugly: I went to a lot of trouble to lose a dress size so that the trousers I'm taking with me are really comfy by the time I get home :p


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
You'll be going for a prepaid account, I assume?
I wonder what the situation for those is in Germany...

In Norway, they've been restricted so that you have to have all kinds of personal info registered before you're allowed to use the account (wouldn't want -gasp- people talking without daddy Govt being able to find out who they are, would we?). In other words, you can't just walk into a store and buy a SIM card - you have to register with the telco and order one.

Oh no.. I hope that's not the case otherwise we will have no phone calls at all. At least we will have email. We will have to call people to arrange meetings from the hotel phones I guess.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Looks like it :p

Training for my pending trip to Italy started this evening (we arrive on Sunday afternoon local time) with a massive dinner. I just know my relatives are going to force feed me :ugly: I went to a lot of trouble to lose a dress size so that the trousers I'm taking with me are really comfy by the time I get home :p

Oh what a good idea! I won't have that option though. I am just going to hope I don't gain much weight in the 3 weeks I'll be there ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Aug. 2003
Looks like it :p

Training for my pending trip to Italy started this evening (we arrive on Sunday afternoon local time) with a massive dinner. I just know my relatives are going to force feed me :ugly: I went to a lot of trouble to lose a dress size so that the trousers I'm taking with me are really comfy by the time I get home :p

Teheee! Italy's kitchen is one of the best, ain't it. I can tell. :D

Good to hear that you got everything in line for the vacation! Hope you have a really nice one. :)

I was :p Of course I'm in Canada so we are about 5-6 hours behind everyone there.

Pffffh, some nights I'm awake as well. Could have been....ah well. :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I'm glad. That's a lot less stress to deal with and this way you will not have to waste your vacation thinking about all the bad things that will be happening without you !

True. Last trip I promise myself to "let myself go" - my body, my health, my location (obviously :p), my emotions, and above all, my WORK! :o For some reason couldn't quite let that last one go as much as I would have liked, but I got close enough :) It's not that I worried what was going on while I was away (thank God), but I dreamt about work, etc.

My replacement was freaking out a little bit yesterday when I got her to practice taking notes in the ward meetings, but I managed to talk her out of feeling embarrassed about not knowing all these fancy words and how to spell them. Other than that, she's been really good, especially considering her background is construction!