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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
It's last minute jitters. I have been planning for months and I know no matter what I do I will forget 'something' or miss something else. As long as you have the big things it will be ok ;)

No accommodation booked/organised for London, Amsterdam or Brussels, no activities organised after Wacken except for catching up over beers "somewhere", and although my friend in Nuremberg said I could stay at his flat, when I asked if I could come on a Friday and leave on the Monday, he said "in a month I can see" because when his apprenticeship ends he'll start working some afternoons and weekends :o Still waiting for my rail pass to arrive and I've had recurring nightmares about this trip and of all things, issues with rail tickets :o


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Suddenly feeling quite stressed about this trip. Only 3 weeks to go until I leave and I feel like there's still a lot to do :o
Don't. Won't help anyways! :D
It's last minute jitters. I have been planning for months and I know no matter what I do I will forget 'something' or miss something else. As long as you have the big things it will be ok ;)

Just give a ring once you're in Belgium. ;)


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
No accommodation booked/organised for London, Amsterdam or Brussels, no activities organised after Wacken except for catching up over beers "somewhere", and although my friend in Nuremberg said I could stay at his flat, when I asked if I could come on a Friday and leave on the Monday, he said "in a month I can see" because when his apprenticeship ends he'll start working some afternoons and weekends :o Still waiting for my rail pass to arrive and I've had recurring nightmares about this trip and of all things, issues with rail tickets :o

wow.. I can see why you're stressed. I would be too. I am so anal about travelling that I have a document with everything from reservation numbers to Google map directions to go everywhere I need to go. Rail passes were purchased just after my Wacken tickets. I just got all my reservations booked last month - I forgot one last time and it cost a pretty penny to get on that train because I then had to buy a full ticket even though I had a pass.

I need to start on a packing list and find some good military type pants with tons of pockets for travelling.