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W:O:A Metalhead
3 März 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Booooo! Had to cancel this years trip. Mum had a panic attack at the weekend and still wasn't right when I had to leave for airport. I'd also run myself into the ground dealing with it and trying to make last minute arrangements. She's OK now, no immediate worries but I'm the only one here so I just couldn't leave her alone like that. At least I've had 3 fest trips so far so I can't really bitch.


5 Mai 2013
on the black metal thing. no innovation at all, but who cares, black metal is good and always will be :p
any inovation nowadays leeds to a completely new genre it seems... it gets all the attention for like 5 years and then implodes.

Quite the keen observation - actually, sometimes I worry that metal might be running out of creative steam. But then bands like Ne Obliviscaris show up and make me feel foolish. Anyone else feel like that?


5 Mai 2013
Booooo! Had to cancel this years trip. Mum had a panic attack at the weekend and still wasn't right when I had to leave for airport. I'd also run myself into the ground dealing with it and trying to make last minute arrangements. She's OK now, no immediate worries but I'm the only one here so I just couldn't leave her alone like that. At least I've had 3 fest trips so far so I can't really bitch.

Crap, dude - hope she's fine :/


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Booooo! Had to cancel this years trip. Mum had a panic attack at the weekend and still wasn't right when I had to leave for airport. I'd also run myself into the ground dealing with it and trying to make last minute arrangements. She's OK now, no immediate worries but I'm the only one here so I just couldn't leave her alone like that. At least I've had 3 fest trips so far so I can't really bitch.

sorry to hear mate, so we won't be sharing a beer at graspop this year? :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Booooo! Had to cancel this years trip. Mum had a panic attack at the weekend and still wasn't right when I had to leave for airport. I'd also run myself into the ground dealing with it and trying to make last minute arrangements. She's OK now, no immediate worries but I'm the only one here so I just couldn't leave her alone like that. At least I've had 3 fest trips so far so I can't really bitch.

All the best for your mum!


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Booooo! Had to cancel this years trip. Mum had a panic attack at the weekend and still wasn't right when I had to leave for airport. I'd also run myself into the ground dealing with it and trying to make last minute arrangements. She's OK now, no immediate worries but I'm the only one here so I just couldn't leave her alone like that. At least I've had 3 fest trips so far so I can't really bitch.

Was that Wacken or something else? Hope your mom feels better soon!