2 1/2 weeks in Scandanavia

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W:O:A Metalhead
17 Jan. 2007
Richmond, VA, USA
the plane arrives in helsinki July 17th in the morning and I want to get to Wacken Aug1st, so that gives me exactly 2 weeks I believe. So I guess that gives me about 2-3 days in each city depending on travel times.


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
I've been wondering..it is WAY cheaper to get a ticket from here to Stockholm..than it is to Oslo or Helsinki..so would it not be wise to get a plane ticket to stockholm, and ferry to Helsinki? OR do people not generally do that

When people go Stockholm-Helsinki it's usually to get drunk on the boat and donät get off until it gets back to Sweden.

The ferry is usally pretta darn cheap though, so you might be able to earn money that way.

It does take several hours though...

Usually going from STockholm to Helsinki and back they make it 24 hours.

Not htat it needs to take that long, only so you may purchase alcohol cheaper on the damn thing.


W:O:A Metalhead
21 Feb. 2007
When people go Stockholm-Helsinki it's usually to get drunk on the boat and donät get off until it gets back to Sweden.

The ferry is usally pretta darn cheap though, so you might be able to earn money that way.

It does take several hours though...

Usually going from STockholm to Helsinki and back they make it 24 hours.

Not htat it needs to take that long, only so you may purchase alcohol cheaper on the damn thing.

hey are we talking about MetalBaten?

lol that's my next trip :p
When people go Stockholm-Helsinki it's usually to get drunk on the boat and donät get off until it gets back to Sweden.

The ferry is usally pretta darn cheap though, so you might be able to earn money that way.

It does take several hours though...

Usually going from STockholm to Helsinki and back they make it 24 hours.

Not htat it needs to take that long, only so you may purchase alcohol cheaper on the damn thing.

OH! I thought people usually take the ferry as a way of transportation, rather than something to just get drunk on! hehe..cause right now I'm thinking about going to Finland and from there on conducting the rest of my trip..however I'm still planning cause I'm a bit lost


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
OH! I thought people usually take the ferry as a way of transportation, rather than something to just get drunk on! hehe..cause right now I'm thinking about going to Finland and from there on conducting the rest of my trip..however I'm still planning cause I'm a bit lost

But Scandinavia is known to be very expensive. Especially when alcohol is concerned. The only one who can sell alcohol in those countries is the State itself. NO ONE else!

And when it's tax free.....

Need I say more?