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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
mmm don't know ... but shouldn't he be showing you around & stuff and speanding time with you instead of leaving you alone to go to his friends house :rolleyes:

Yes, he should be. I keep telling him that but he just says: "You said on MSN a few weeks ago that you would be fine alone" as an excuse for it. I've been sleeping and been sitting around more than I've been able to do anything.


W:O:A Metalgod
8 Juli 2009
mmm don't know ... but shouldn't he be showing you around & stuff and speanding time with you instead of leaving you alone to go to his friends house :rolleyes:
Yes, he should be. I keep telling him that but he just says: "You said on MSN a few weeks ago that you would be fine alone" as an excuse for it. I've been sleeping and been sitting around more than I've been able to do anything.
that´s not nice of him.
do you meet him the first time?