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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Stupid laws in Germany

-A pillow can be considered a "passive" weapon
-Every office must have a view of the sky, even if this is through a very small window.
-It is against the law to mention the date 1966 in any football ground.
-It is illegal to wear a mask (but that's for ID reasons, thus not weird)
-Munich: By law a pub can never be overcrowded - there is always room for one more drinker at each table - no matter how squashed people are.
-Munich: During October Fest no person is ever legally drunk - no matter how much alcohol they have consumed.

I have to add one here. REALLY stupid.

Hessen (Bundesland) knows the Death Penalty. But as FEDERAL law goes above State (Land) Law, this law can never be applicated. (why keep it then?)