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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
nah, i'm flying, i'm not going on no train
You COULD. I didn't say you HAD to.

Just to show distance and its relativity.
So, you're flying and train at once?

Double negatives = a positive ;)

Everybody's picking on me so my turn to pick on somebody ;)
Touché! :)
I toke the train.. it was fun..

I can't take but the train. No car. No driver, and no DL.


W:O:A Metalhead
3 März 2008
Melbourne, Australia
I enjoyed the train journeys around Europe. You can drink on trains over there. And that crazy leeper train from Zurich to Slovenia, that was awesome. The ones with about 6 rooms per carriage and there's 3 bunk beds on each side of the rooms, I've never seen them before. Didn't get much sleep though. A lot of Swiss on my carriage on their way to Metal Camp. And they had beer.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I enjoyed the train journeys around Europe. You can drink on trains over there. And that crazy leeper train from Zurich to Slovenia, that was awesome. The ones with about 6 rooms per carriage and there's 3 bunk beds on each side of the rooms, I've never seen them before. Didn't get much sleep though. A lot of Swiss on my carriage on their way to Metal Camp. And they had beer.

Mmmm beer :)