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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Have to wake up in 4hrs again...
What's sleep good for. :rolleyes:
yes, that's right :) Do you know which picture you'll choose? Skyline?^^ I saw some photos...I've never seen so tall houses :D
I use IE as well, and I have no probs.
My problem is, I also use ZoomText (to make images etc. bigger) and this program is eating memory of my computer. However, without it I'd have no back left. The problem of sighted people. :/
Opera, Firefox etc. are not very compatible with ZoomText for one reason or another. It does not follow my cursor e.g. (and that's horrible when I write something)
i use "Flock" at work .. its good and doesn't cause much issues :)

yeah i know what you mean about the "bookmarks" its annoying when you lose all that and have to create all over again :mad:

Don't know Flock.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
GODVER!! I tried to charge my cell phone with extra credit (NL phone) but the site won't let me charge at the moment!
It's not that bad, but now I've got to do it in NL, and that's
a) more expensive
b) more difficult as I have to read the code.

Why now Vodafone?