W:O:A Metalmaster
Yeah that's pretty much unavoidable there. I fid that drinking lots of fluids really helps with the throat.
drink carrot soup and suck halls of mint it helps me a lot when i have soar throat
Yeah that's pretty much unavoidable there. I fid that drinking lots of fluids really helps with the throat.
We had that and Super Nintendo, they finally broke down so we gave the games away.
We had that and Super Nintendo, they finally broke down so we gave the games away.
drink carrot soup and suck halls of mint it helps me a lot when i have soar throat
Now we have no gaming system at home, probably because my daughter seems to have no interest in those things.
emulators solve the problem and bring back the memories
yea I don't blame her
I like playing the old games I used to like with friends on occasion, but none of the new games. except like Guitar Hero and Rock Band
I'm pretty busy at work atm
but yeah that's what happens when people are getting ill...
I have yet to try either of those though everyone says they're great. I think I am trying to avoid getting hooked and spending too much time at them.
It seems the gang is all here now.
I turn around to answer the phone and suddenly I'm 2 pages behind.
It seems the gang is all here now.
I turn around to answer the phone and suddenly I'm 2 pages behind.