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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 März 2009
you're hilarious with your fear of Finnish language. I guess it's not that bad if you guys really want to learn it and have time for that crazy grammar.

Komitatiivi. It's a weird one, I'm not sure how I should translate it to English. Hmm.. like a shorter form to express a sentence where you have word 'with'. Like 'with a car' can be translated as 'auton kanssa' or 'autoineen'. The last-mentioned translation uses komitatiivi.


I'll have WAY too much time on my hands soon. Few hours = too much time and I'm known to try to learn crazy things :p.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
still stuck on trying to figure out which song Negura Bunget played last at Brutal Assault...
sounded extremely familiar, also to the guys I was with, almost definately a cover... but no idea what it is