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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Ach, Scheiße. :(

I would so badly like to speak better German and it would be best to practise with native German speaking people. Here I can't find any.

ich kann deutsch schrieben :p nicht sprechen, das kann ich nur ein wenig machen, aber wenn du deutsch üben willst, dann kannst du mit mir reden [nur mit Internet :D] es ist aber nicht meine Muttersprache :p

[someone correct me, I was too lazy to look up anything]


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Juli 2009
ich kann deutsch schrieben :p nicht sprechen, das kann ich nur ein wenig machen, aber wenn du deutsch üben willst, dann kannst du mit mir reden [nur mit Internet :D] es ist aber nicht meine Muttersprache :p

[someone correct me, I was too lazy to look up anything]

Dunno if you didn't spell correct but at least I understood! That's the most important, right? :D Huh, I'm already in pain when thinking about German grammar exams in September..


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Dunno if you didn't spell correct but at least I understood! That's the most important, right? :D Huh, I'm already in pain when thinking about German grammar exams in September..

at least you can take German classes :p I had one in high school, but all they have at the university I'm going to are beginners' classes and like German literature stuff...
I'm better off teaching myself.


W:O:A Metalhead
29 Juli 2009
at least you can take German classes :p I had one in high school, but all they have at the university I'm going to are beginners' classes and like German literature stuff...
I'm better off teaching myself.
We've been fighting for those classes. During our first high school year we hadn't any, on the second just one for beginners but now we have classes for three different levels :p I have to keep up practising because I hope I'll get into university of Cologne :cool:


W:O:A Metalhead
20 Mai 2008
K'he xor somewhere near Wacken
ich kann deutsch schrieben :p nicht sprechen, das kann ich nur ein wenig machen, aber wenn du deutsch üben willst, dann kannst du mit mir reden [nur mit Internet :D] es ist aber nicht meine Muttersprache :p

[someone correct me, I was too lazy to look up anything]

a typo in schreiben, a weird/unusual formulation (you should avoid 'machen'), but nothing wrong
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
We've been fighting for those classes. During our first high school year we hadn't any, on the second just one for beginners but now we have classes for three different levels :p I have to keep up practising because I hope I'll get into university of Cologne :cool:

good luck :] I want to get my Master's in a German university or so, though we'll see what I want to do once that time comes around
but yea, feel free to practice German here :p also I go on the German board sometimes, native speakers there to practice with