How was Brutal Assault? Saw posters for it around when I was in Czech but it wsa on after I got home. How many people? Best bands?I actually ended up seeing Psycroptic a few days ago
actually I think all those bands were at Brutal Assault
luckily a total moron can change pages on wikipedia
Psycroptic is more technical than some of the brutal death metal bands, that is what makes psycroptic more interesting than most brutal death metal bands.
How was Brutal Assault? Saw posters for it around when I was in Czech but it wsa on after I got home. How many people? Best bands?
Haha, don't overestimate yourselves! Soft inside, right? At least so it seemed at Wacken.
you said I was a fool for thinking you weren't some dangerous Viking... guess what... I was right
ewww, i find a good hangover cure is pinapple rings, they always seem to clear it up
lol I almost wrote cunt instead of kunt in a mail to a company
In December.
I am trying to find a new job, got rejected somewhere because I am not a man
hey dude,
how are you doing?
I just registered here on my way to Wacken, so no, I wasn't in the meeting, but I saw hundreds of nerdy metalheads. And I know many enough to say, that the surface is just for special events like gigsyou were in the forum meeting at wacken or just went to the fest? soft side in the tent... hard side in gigs