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W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Good point about the money. The thing is to have as much as you can, you don't need to spend it all, but it's always better to have a cushion. I have been told that Sweden Rock is an excellent festival. Very well organized. Though it's not just a Metal festival, it's Metal and Rock, hard Rck and clasic rock along with a bunch of Metal. Sweden Rock would be the festival I'd like to attend next. Graspop had a good billing this year.

yea, I wouldn't spend it all, definately not... especially as travelling across Europe itself will be expensive, and I'll most likely need cash on hand for trains or whatever.
I read a review on Sweden Rock... pretty good billing, and it sounds like a good festival, even if it's not all metal. and I loved Graspop's billing this year.
and hopefully Wacken will have a stronger billing next year... it'll be the 20th anniversary, sooo maybe that'll be something special, or I dunno. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
Well we all wanted you to be there with us, but I can say for myself athat I fully understand why you decided to wait. It was probably a very wise choice.

yea, I thought so too... it was horribly planned out, which was my bad... wayy too last minute... of course I had to try anyway. :D
the main reason I called it off was the money issue though... didn't really see how I could get enough in time.


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
btw I don't, and never have, regretted trying to go this year...
I've got a lot of the most important things figured out for next year because of that.
and I've got more money now too... finally got to selling the stuff, and worked this week as well. :D
and most importantly...
if I never wanted to go to Wacken, I wouldn't have joined the forum. :D


W:O:A Metalgod
29 Dez. 2007
looks like Bloodstock's mid-August...
I got really disappointed when I first saw that [just now], since that's when school usually starts.
but then I realized, I'll be out of high school by then. :D
and college doesn't usually start until September. bwahaha. :p