Originally posted by monochrom
I want someone sticking up for Dubyah now, theres got to be different opinions!
Originally posted by Warthog
See, you won't find any of those here, as they generally don't acknowledge the outside world until Uncle Sam sends 'em off to bomb it. Nor do they use computers.
As much as I like to be fair and unbiased, I really have nothing nice to say about Lord Dubya.
Where's Metal Slut when you need him?
Originally posted by monochrom
Come on, there's gotta be something. In Germany, really old people would sometimes say "But he built the autobahn" when trying to talk about the good sides of Hitler
Originally posted by Sodomy&Lust
Curious. Some old people in Spain say that Franco wasn't that bad, because he built a lot of storage lakes. And that's usually the only reason they give
Originally posted by monochrom
Come on, there's gotta be something. In Germany, really old people would sometimes say "But he built the autobahn" when trying to talk about the good sides of Hitler. Now, we all know thát the autobahn was mostly built by foreign slave workers, mostly from the east of europe, but this is sort of the "Good Hitler" myth. What is the "Good Bush"-myth?
Originally posted by Warthog
Why, it's the entire Republican re-election platform! The usual bullshit about how he's a good Christian family man and a strong leader who's fighting the terrorists and liberating countries from oppressive dictators one after another! Oh, and he won't take no bullcrap from you pesky European countries who won't let us protect our freedom by bombing the shit out of Baghdad.
I don't think that many people would argue that Saddam Hussein should have been left in power. And maybe years later, we'll think of the Good Bush as the guy who finally got the job done. "Good Bush" stories will also ignore the way he went about it.
Originally posted by monochrom
Ah, I think that'll depend more on what actually happens in Iraq over the next year.
Originally posted by Warthog
And whatever that is will be orchestrated with November's elections in mind, I'm sure.
Bastard still hasn't cleaned up the mess he made in Afghanistan...
Originally posted by Hammered_gods
And there is not so so much room for people, look on Africa, India China....why do you think that in China they can have just one child? Cause more people- less food - people has nothing to eat and it can go so far that they can steal and kill each other. But bah it is not you problem. You just live in luxury.
Originally posted by LooseCannon
The other thing the media is talking about is North Korea.I think that's the next target for Ole' W.