Originally posted by Warthog
Hi all,
I have to write an essay for a college course about how Bush's foreign policy has affected U.S. relations with Europe. I was hoping some of you could share your thoughts about what you think of him, his actions in Iraq, his public image, and how he has changed your view of the United States and Americans as a people.
I'm just looking for some quotable material, and thought maybe my WOA forum friends could help!If you have anything to share, even just a sentence or two, I'd really appreciate it! Feel free to be offensive if you feel that way. Please post here or email me at scotty@wacken.us
And can anyone post this in the German forum? Thanks!!
Well, at Wacken, the minute i opened my mouth and people heard an american accent, their first question was "Do you like Bush?" Once i told them I thought he was one of the worst things that ever happened to the US, they warmed up to me.
The thing is, people have a stereotype about the US, the same as we all have stereotypes about everywhere we haven't been to. Bush just serves to reinforce many of the stereotypes people have about the US.