What band shirt are u wearing now?

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W:O:A Metalhead
13 Nov. 2002
Drachten/ Fryslân
Website besuchen
Originally posted by flo
"Vortex- Heavy metal is King shirt"

cult! do you have the vortex shirt with the bone logo or the other one???

He Flo, Interrupt here. It's the shirt with their new logo. In front there is a gargoyle/ demon like creature and it says 'till death do us part. At the back it says Heavy metal is king. If You want this shirt, go check out their homepage; they also have patches etc.

I'm wearing my Running Wild- Walpurgis night shirt.


W:O:A Metalhead
14 Dez. 2001
"If You want this shirt, go check out their homepage; they also have patches etc"

my brother has got the shirt and he has the same picture as backpatch on his patchjacket. the creature is not a gargoyle, it's the metal bat!
i have got the other shirt with a different logo... vortex are great! one of europes best metal bands! where do you come from that you are a vortex fan? most people outside holland don't know them...