What are you up to this weekend??

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W:O:A Metalmaster
13 Apr. 2002
Madrid - Spain
The Raven schrieb:
Damn! Thats fucking expensive you'd get that much here in india for less a euro. and hash here is *woooooohoooooooo* a stick (2-4 grammes) would cost you...lesee.... 8 euros and would last you a month approx.

anyway.. peace out

Yeah, peace! :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
29 Mai 2002
Washington D.C., USA
monochrom schrieb:
Probably the Rochester Reefers, the Houston Heavy Drunks, the Miami Moshers or the Pittburgh Prostitutes.

These are all funny because:

- You can get great weed in Rochester...Canada's just a hop to the north, so you're never far from the "northern lights". :D
- Everyone's drunk in Houston because Houston sucks (when in Texas, spend time in Austin or San Antonio instead). Even more sadly, they only drink Republican piss marketed under the name "Lone Star"
- the Moshers must have moved from another city...what the hell is there to mosh to in Miami? Ricky Martin?
- When I think of beautiful "ladies of the night", I do not think of Steeltown. Except for that girl in the Journey song who took the midnight train going anywhere.

The Raven

W:O:A Metalhead
21 Jan. 2004
Bangalore, India
Sodomy&Lust schrieb:
tststs.... We're just smokers, not dealers. Or are you, The Raven? :D

if i were a dealer you think i'd be stuck here in India? i'd have set up an empire in the Bronx or in Sicily or Bogota or Mexico City (rosk as my right hand man), you know such places... an my empire would have grown so big i'd have my own Wacken Open Air :D

The raven used to work after school at the cinema show.
Gotta hustle if he wants an education he's got a long way to go.
Now he's out on the street all day selling Crack to the people who pay.
Got an AK-47 for his best friend business the Raven's way.

:D couldn't resist :D