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@S&L: yep, I'm a pretty violent motherfucker! ask anyone who knows me in person! they've all been slapped to death though so it might get a lil difficult lol
and "bommeln" is indeed an insider that no one can understand... some friends and I just thought that "bommeln" would fit in a pick up line better than "ficken"... like
"ey, Bock zu bommeln?"
is better than
"ey, Bock zu ficken?"
so if you see one of us running around yelling BOMMELN it just means that they're willing to have sex... or that they're just really drunk...
but you must see the difference between BOMMELN and BOMMEL... because BOMMEL has nothing to do with sexaul activities... that's just the name of Bommel of Doom's funny lil hat...
@ Argon factor
As you seem to be the new king of spamming here, here´s something to do for you:
Sent your photo to metalprincess! Do it now! Don´t go over "los"
You call that spamming? I always tried to write something that makes sense! Except, maybe, the S & L birthday thread
Yes I can send a photo, but not today, 'cause right now I'm at work and afterwards I go to band practice and it's gonna be late (it's always late on Fridays). I could do it tomorrow, if you tell me how it is done (where to send it) . . .
than maybe i will be the only american idiot yelling bommeln @ wacken-
but at least i won't be alone...... however if i start yelling anything @ wacken my boyfriend will probably fuckin kill me-he hates making a scene......
oh well, i will be yelling anyway, especially with all my new forum buddies..
and last excuse me all for not posting so faithfully, i'm moving and my shit is all over the place...... :}