Wacken Turned Shit In 2005!

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23 März 2004
Edinburgh, Scotland
Well... I guess it was always on the cards. The last good Wacken was in 2004. I, as well as another gazillion people I'm sure, will not be attending Wacken next year as it's getting worse every year. Time to find something better to do in the summer. Anyone else feel the same?:confused:


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Well... I guess it was always on the cards. The last good Wacken was in 2004. I, as well as another gazillion people I'm sure, will not be attending Wacken next year as it's getting worse every year. Time to find something better to do in the summer. Anyone else feel the same?:confused:

well, unfortunatly I haven't been in Wacken before 2005, but I guess I would agee anyways. And this year was REALLY bad I think. Not sure about going next year. I only went for the forum people and it kinda was a flop...

Anything else? Take the saved money and visit more smaller festivals ;)


W:O:A Metalmaster
9 Juli 2002
Mölndal, Sweden
Well... I guess it was always on the cards. The last good Wacken was in 2004. I, as well as another gazillion people I'm sure, will not be attending Wacken next year as it's getting worse every year. Time to find something better to do in the summer. Anyone else feel the same?:confused:

I had a great time in 02, 03 and 04.

05 was the first I started feeling I might not return, and after 06 I was confident I wouldn't.


30 Jan. 2008
I went 02 - 05 and then I spotted things staring to change in '05. I had a ticket for 08 but sold it and went to a smaller festival instead (Day Of Darkness in Ireland) had a much better time, better bands, better crowd.

I had fun while it lasted but it's changed too much for me. Too commercial nowadays.


W:O:A Metalhead
10 Mai 2008
Stockport / England
I won't be there next year , too busy and too commercial .
Shame as there are always some great bands , but will be looking at probably 2 smaller festivals .
Got a bad feeling over next years line-up too!!!

Lord Soth

So you guys just all come to Obscene Extreme next year :D

Too many Grindbands, that gets boring... I'd miss the mixture known from Wacken. There's bands for everyones taste and that's what makes it so big, I think. Been in Wacken since '97, and, yes... it HAS changed. But I still like it. Besides, OEF would be too expensive for me, more than Wacken. And I won't get holidays in that time anyways, nor after WOA, so Party.San and Summerbreeze OA are out. Wacken is and has been my one and only Open Air since then and I'd miss somethin... ;)

WOA 2005 was shitty, but only becuase of the fuckin rain, for which the organisers can't be blamed. Besides, 2007 was next to 2004 my best Wacken ever, so.... it's also a personal thing, how one experiences an event. This year was also great, cannot complain! :)

Lord Soth

that is like saying death feast open air is boring because of all the death metal bands :rolleyes:

No, it isn't. Only I prefer Death over Grind, and tend to get bored if I listen to it for a long time. ;) A pure Death Metal Festival like Party.San would be way cooler, but I can't go there. That's it.