theres no other way to put it except, This is fucking BAD.I cannot see church and state separated in the US
Once upon a time i could understand this concept. Like 2000 years ago give or take a few. But today i see this as a whole "movement" and a threat to say the least. Theres an entire sect of people conforming to these "new" laws of religion and are using it to exploit, what theyd liek to see as a "new world order" by pushing it as far as they can go, in schools (which some in the south are already involved and teaching "creationism" among religion in PUBLIC schools) and to change other aspects of laws and life and take it as far as they can go. Now they are openly in the government making changes little by little and eventually try to alter the constitution. Its an excuse for poorly waged wars (or a "War to push Christianity" on the rest of the world, as many have said it, YES in those words!) and ignore real issues that are of real importance and,.. well the list goes on. The entire republican party is tied into this which is half of the country so yes you are right. Even if there is a non religious Republican, theyre already in it. Whats more scarier is that alot of people dont see whats really going on. Example, Prop 8, a new law passed in one of the most liberal states - California was backed by funds by and from those of the "right" arm in the government who petitioned against Gay marriage because they pumped millions into fighting it. The same "group" that i just described. Its puzzling! You should google it cause i cant even explain it all in detail and all the crap thats involved.
I can still say (arguably of course) that in the north especially where Im from, we will never buy into this but a good portion of the south and middle america are buying it at an alarming rate and its getting worse.