LOL @ Wolfpack
i admire more the vikingleader that fought someplace in England and was standing on top of some kind of fiels. While the english solider's was trapped downhill from them between the vikings and a river. So the english leader asked if the vikings would let them come up on the plains and thus make the fight more even. The viking leader agreed to this and they fought it out on the flat field instead. Even though there was more englishmen than vikings, the vikings won of course.
i admire more the vikingleader that fought someplace in England and was standing on top of some kind of fiels. While the english solider's was trapped downhill from them between the vikings and a river. So the english leader asked if the vikings would let them come up on the plains and thus make the fight more even. The viking leader agreed to this and they fought it out on the flat field instead. Even though there was more englishmen than vikings, the vikings won of course.