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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
JFC! It was about 40 degrees at about midnight in Dubai on my way back. I had to go outside to catch a bus to my connecting terminal. Worst of all, I still had my hoodie on but thought I'd be find for those first couple of seconds between leaving the terminal and getting on that bus. It was a mistake. Also how the hell was it still 40 degrees in the middle of the night in the desert???
Point is: we're not at all used to this heatwave!
The weirdest thing was, I took a train to Angoulême about 17:15h, and I saw the temperature rising during the ride! Started off with a nice 25°, but ended up with 32° at half 9 in the evening!


W:O:A Metalhead
2 Aug. 2023
Temperatures shall fall!!! * new band name maybe? ^^ HSB would be thrilled I bet

anyways omg I just saw Munich Central was not approachable right now....you can´t imagine how quickly I dashed to check where your NIC would go past - it´s not via Munich so you should be ok, fingers crossed though...
I sincerely hope it'll be normal for tonight's train ride to Zürich HB. That is to say: temperatures 🌡 falling in the night, instead of rising!

Though, I'll be leaving at 15:45 (3:45pm)! When it's 30+°.
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Reaktionen: Quark


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Temperatures shall fall!!! * new band name maybe? ^^ HSB would be thrilled I bet

anyways omg I just saw Munich Central was not approachable right now....you can´t imagine how quickly I dashed to check where your NIC would go past - it´s not via Munich so you should be ok, fingers crossed though...
No, I'm going through Offenburg, Freiburg (Breisgau)!

But last year, it was hardly possible to get through Cologne Main Station 🚉!
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Reaktionen: GlamMetal


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
it should be back to it´s normal level of fuckedupness now... Cologne being Cologne ^^ what were the probs? Repairs? Just full cos full or confusing to find stuff?
No! Water damage in the station hall!
The other times, never had any problems.
And I regularly pass through Cologne. As it's my interchange to go to Hamburg Hbf (and further north).
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Reaktionen: GlamMetal


W:O:A Metalhead
2 Aug. 2023
No! Water damage in the station hall!
The other times, never had any problems.
And I regularly pass through Cologne. As it's my interchange to go to Hamburg Hbf (and further north).
yeah ...it might sound like a detour but in the end if you´d have to go via Venlo-Düsseldorf/Duisburg or Cologne it´d end up the same-ish timewise, eh? Probably a bit faster, too.. (also who´d want to be in D-dorf XD)
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Reaktionen: Quark


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
yeah ...it might sound like a detour but in the end if you´d have to go via Venlo-Düsseldorf/Duisburg or Cologne it´d end up the same-ish timewise, eh? Probably a bit faster, too.. (also who´d want to be in D-dorf XD)
Now, Venlo could be an option if it weren't an enormous detour, and local train between Roermond and Venlo, plus a connection that I certainly won't make.
No, I'm going through the Heuvellandlijn (Maastricht-Valkenburg-Heerlen). Nice view of the (ahum) mountainous region of the Netherlands.
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Reaktionen: GlamMetal


W:O:A Metalhead
2 Aug. 2023
Now, Venlo could be an option if it weren't an enormous detour, and local train between Roermond and Venlo, plus a connection that I certainly won't make.
No, I'm going through the Hruvellandlijn (Maastricht-Valkenburg-Heerlen). Nice view of the (ahum) mountainous region of the Netherlands.
I can´t wait to see more of Heerlen than just the Woonboulevard (or...well ..ikea tbh xD) on Saturday - given that my body stops behaving like an arse... I seem to handle heat worse and worse each year :( I mean it´s round the corner... 1km to Vaals for us - literally....


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I can´t wait to see more of Heerlen than just the Woonboulevard (or...well ..ikea tbh xD) on Saturday - given that my body stops behaving like an arse... I seem to handle heat worse and worse each year :( I mean it´s round the corner... 1km to Vaals for us - literally....
Yeah, I saw, you're going to see Carach Angren in Heerlen Saturday.
I'll see them tomorrow afternoon! Dutch band.
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Reaktionen: GlamMetal


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Just when I thought I got my savings account up to a reasonable level, by birthday bills start coming in. :( One quarterly, one annual, and I think there's another annual one coming.

Lesson: don't buy yourself a car for your birthday. :ugly:
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Reaktionen: GlamMetal


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Thought I might add, for the first time in 16 years, I took enough sick days in a row to warrant a medical certificate. :D I didn't know what it was so I went to a random GP. She was perplexed so she tested for a bacterial infection before deciding if I needed antibiotics or not, then she asks if I need a medical certificate, how much sick leave I have, and if I wanted a week off. Not gonna say no to that and I think I'll keep her as my new GP as my last one retired. :ugly: Ended up being the world's weirdest flu.
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Reaktionen: Quark