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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
We've had more restrictions eased in my state. I believe music and sport venues can now have 100% capacity (or it might be from tomorrow or something), but still has to be seated I think. More guests at people's homes are allowed now too. More borders are open but not to everyone just yet. We're not free of the virus yet but things are looking reasonably good, all things considered. The state of Victoria is doing a hell of a lot better, too. No deaths and no new cases for a few weeks now, I can't remember.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
My cousin shared a post on Facebook about QANTAS not resuming flights to Europe or USA until late 2021. I checked good ol' Google and it seems to be the case. I'm pretty sure that includes Emirates, which is a great airline and can get me to Europe in less than a day. If they're not going then I'm less confident other airlines won't do the same. At least I didn't have my hopes up too high for next year, but I'll clutch at whatever straws I have for now. :(


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
My cousin shared a post on Facebook about QANTAS not resuming flights to Europe or USA until late 2021. I checked good ol' Google and it seems to be the case. I'm pretty sure that includes Emirates, which is a great airline and can get me to Europe in less than a day. If they're not going then I'm less confident other airlines won't do the same. At least I didn't have my hopes up too high for next year, but I'll clutch at whatever straws I have for now. :(
We'll just have to wait.
They're talking about vaccines being almost ready. Now the point is vaccinating everyone in the shortest time possible. That's going to be hairy. Who's first, second etc? Well, medical staff first, as they are the ones who have to do the rest of the population.

Wait and see what will happen.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
My cousin shared a post on Facebook about QANTAS not resuming flights to Europe or USA until late 2021. I checked good ol' Google and it seems to be the case. I'm pretty sure that includes Emirates, which is a great airline and can get me to Europe in less than a day. If they're not going then I'm less confident other airlines won't do the same. At least I didn't have my hopes up too high for next year, but I'll clutch at whatever straws I have for now. :(

It might be to early to tell.
The latest vaccine news is pretty good. but the big question is, when will enough people have been vaccinated.
the sooner that happens the sonner travel will be normal again.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
On that note.
My boss tested positive today.
He started developing symptomes on saturday.
And I saw him last Thursday....
So I guess I better keep an eye on myself.
30 Sep. 2016
North Bay Area, California
Some of my friends are complaining about having to
lock back down for the third time in California. Every
county in the state has been on this four tier scale
for reopening and just this week, most of the counties

were thrown back to stage one because there's been
a spike in cases. Bay Area has been getting clobbered
really hard.

With the majority of wild fires put out around the
state, we were at least able to breathe outdoors
again. I've been driving out to the coast for some
direly needed beach therapy. Taking care to avoid
the more smaller, popular beaches where it gets
more crowded the closer you get to the Golden Gate

Keeping with Wacken's Horror theme, I was hoping
that we'd all be rest assured that Mercyful Fate
would be performing at Wacken. I was hoping to see
Sodom back up, doing their Agent Orange record in
full. I mean... Mercyful Fate? Horror? Guarantee it
would be AWESOME!!!


But to the horror of us all, there was no mention
of Mercyful Fate. But instead... they announced
that Limp Bizkit would be on the bill.


With the addition of an extra main stage show on
Wednesday, for an extra fee, folks would get to
see Lindemann's solo band plus a headliner that
hasn't been announced yet. Who've "made the
infield rumble many times." If it's Mambo Kurt,
I'm gonna laugh! Side note, about two days ago
they announced that Lindemann's solo band had
already split up. For now, Hypocrisy is still
booked to play.

Hoping Mercyful Fate and Sodom get added back
on, already stoked for Venom! Honestly... I'm
hoping we'll all get to travel more than 30 minutes
from home again, soon!

- Sepulchral Voice

PS: Need a quick laugh? Look up "Mad TV Limp
Bizkit," on youtube lol