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W:O:A Metalmaster
21 Juli 2002
Leeds UK
Well the numbers aren't great. and measures have become quite strict again.
But personally I'm alright. Just trying to do my thing at home. thank god for the internet.

Yeah I know what you mean - 4 week lockdown again here again, but lot of other experts and top scientist are questioning why, seems like it has been forced upon using not so accurate data :confused::confused::confused:

Like you though I'm alright and keeping busy :D


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yeah I know what you mean - 4 week lockdown again here again, but lot of other experts and top scientist are questioning why, seems like it has been forced upon using not so accurate data :confused::confused::confused:

Like you though I'm alright and keeping busy :D
Same about here. Only we have 6 weeks in Belgium.
In the Netherlands, there's no such thing as lockdown. Not that it's open as usual, there are a lot of restirctions as well. But you can go everywhere, even though one is strongly advised to stay at home.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I'm not sure whether this wacken wednesday thing is a good development...
We're actually discussing the whole matter in the News thead. And apart from big words like scam etc. there's not much said against it, nor for it!

It's actually an experiment. Depending on what will happen, it might either be a once in a lifetime thing, or an extra additional day in the future.
The main reason is to collect some money. As ticket sales are about €0 this year. (as all are sold last year)

So, no one really knows what'll happen.

And as I'm in Seebronn this coming summer (provided, COVID is under control), it doesn't bother me. I'll just wait & see. :D
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