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W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
I know and they will not come with us. That's why we are finishing with Wacken. I will go to the festival with my friend only. And we will come back home on different planes.

Good plan :)

I did see a couple of younger kids there but it's not really an environment that I would consider safe for them at all - especially all the drinking and noise in the night.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I know and they will not come with us. That's why we are finishing with Wacken. I will go to the festival with my friend only. And we will come back home on different planes.
Good plan! :)
Good plan :)

I did see a couple of younger kids there but it's not really an environment that I would consider safe for them at all - especially all the drinking and noise in the night.
Voilà! :)
Does anyone know Jaro-Metal? Just got a friend request but I don't know that I ever saw them before.

Decline. He's a pain in the ass, trying to get as many 'friends' as possible.