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W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Have you seen my pictures? :o On the Saturday, I walked to Camp C and back to A...that took over an hour, later I walked to the arena to watch a few bands and buy some CD's, then I stopped by the 24hr supermarket to pick up an early dinner of a giant pretzel, and by the time I got back I was so exhausted I decided there was no way I was going back later to watch Scorpions...instead, we (our camp) spent much of the evening holding down the pavilion and shouting at the weather :o It was certainly funny to think back upon :D Holding down the pavilion with one hand, umbrella in the other. One of the guys shouted "ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE! FICK DICH!" at which I giggled uncontrollably and gave him a high-five, and later another friend shouted "ALIX! WANT A BEER?" I said yes, but with both hands full, he opened it for me, and I held down the pavilion leg with my foot, beer in one hand, umbrella in the other :D Good times :D

Yeah I've went through all your Wacken albums. :D Sounds fun, certainly!


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
So I think I actually know how to do these maths things in this course, but the problem is there are SO many equations to remember. We do have them in this MAOL book that we can have in the exam but I don't know where in there the equations I need are... Also I think they are written a bit different way than in my maths book... :KO: