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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
4 days after the election and still no clear winner :confused: I don't know if I understood correctly, but one electorate will have a by-election as one of their candidates got "disqualified" for being bankrupt or something...


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
4 days after the election and still no clear winner :confused: I don't know if I understood correctly, but one electorate will have a by-election as one of their candidates got "disqualified" for being bankrupt or something...

:confused: sounds ...öhm..interesting and complicatet.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia

Well, when you piss off 3 million voters so much that you only get 7 seats out of a possible 89...you fucked up.

When you win 78 seats out of a possible 89 because the opposition pissed off 3 million voters...that doesn't mean you can pass legislation in the middle of the night without discussing it in parliament and expect us not to notice.

When members of the public graffiti your campaign signs with Hitler moustaches...just hurry up and pack up your office already.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
You do know what the main goal of politicians is, don't you?
To watch over their own wallets, and that they can fill it to the max, at the cost of ordinary people like you and me. :o

Oh, I thought it was to get re-elected :p

Rule number 1 would be: if you piss everyone off, expect to be unemployed soon.
Rule number 2: never admit defeat.

Oh Q, you should have seen the so-called "campaign" from the losing team three years ago. The guy they were bagging hadn't even been elected premier yet, and all the ALP could say was "Don't Give Him Too Much Power" and "BUT HE'S WORSE!!!!1!@!21!!"