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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
-Picked up my Judas Priest/Dragonforce ticket
-Picked up my plane tickets to Sydney
-State election tomorrow, and although I'll be disappointed at whoever wins, hopefully I can say "happy fire-your-boss day" and stop hearing about the campaigns
-Alice Cooper/Motley Crew tour announced (the month, but not the days yet...)
-George Kollias is performing in Brisbane 3 days before I go to Sydney for the full day workshop I'll be attending there

Friday afternoon/evening...you're all right :)


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
-Picked up my Judas Priest/Dragonforce ticket
-Picked up my plane tickets to Sydney
-State election tomorrow, and although I'll be disappointed at whoever wins, hopefully I can say "happy fire-your-boss day" and stop hearing about the campaigns
-Alice Cooper/Motley Crew tour announced (the month, but not the days yet...)
-George Kollias is performing in Brisbane 3 days before I go to Sydney for the full day workshop I'll be attending there

Friday afternoon/evening...you're all right :)

sounds great ...


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Damn my day was busy.. After work had like 1,5 hours to just relax at home and then I went to a hockey game and straight after that to a gig... I'm tired!