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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Whoaa. This is 2 really good team!

It's cool to see NFL playing a game outside the USA. American Football will get more popularity on the european country.

I'm not a big fan of either KC nor of DET, but it was the only date I'm not blocked by schools, kindergarten etc on Monday after the game.

The last time I went, was 2 years ago. SF@JAX. I am waiting for Tampa Bay to be there.


W:O:A Metalhead
Judas Priest/Dragonforce tickets go on sale tomorrow. Looks like I won't have to suffer through Soundwave to finally get to see Judas Priest (before they die), and Dragonforce for the 4th time (more than 6 years since the last time I saw them :eek:)

I'm going to go get ticket for Kamelot and Dragonforce on May 2nd. I don't even know Kamelot. That will give me the chance to know them.

And Dragonforce is pure speed metal that is really cool to see them live. Last and only time I saw them was in 2010 I think.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Because, have you ever seen me nagging about stains or whatsoever on my clothes? I haven't.

Which is much more relaxing! :ugly::D

Normally I wouldn't, because most of my clothes (well, shirts) are black :D The only reason I have a white one is because I didn't want to buy another shirt that's too big, and the white one was the only one that fit. I don't fancy standing in line for an hour and a half behind the merchandise desk at the beginning of a festival, just to get the coolest shirt. It's the reason I only managed 2 hats at WOA 2010 (lost the first one...), and an XL hoodie at WOA 2012 :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I'm going to go get ticket for Kamelot and Dragonforce on May 2nd. I don't even know Kamelot. That will give me the chance to know them.

And Dragonforce is pure speed metal that is really cool to see them live. Last and only time I saw them was in 2010 I think.

Kamelot is really good, and my mother's second favourite band :D Hopefully Alissa tours with them as she did two years ago when they came here.

The last time I saw Dragonforce was in 2008, which was the third time I'd seen them. They've been out since, but only at Soundwave. Rock festivals here are kind of...bad...not worth going unless there are enough bands you REALLY want to see. The quality of food is way better than any European festival I've been to, but the cost of the tickets, the cost of food, the cost of alcohol, no camping, no bringing in food or drink (I don't think, except perhaps a bottle to fill), no re-entering, no extra transport (!!!), crappy sound engineers...they have a lot to learn from their older brothers in Europe!


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Kamelot is really good, and my mother's second favourite band :D Hopefully Alissa tours with them as she did two years ago when they came here.

The last time I saw Dragonforce was in 2008, which was the third time I'd seen them. They've been out since, but only at Soundwave. Rock festivals here are kind of...bad...not worth going unless there are enough bands you REALLY want to see. The quality of food is way better than any European festival I've been to, but the cost of the tickets, the cost of food, the cost of alcohol, no camping, no bringing in food or drink (I don't think, except perhaps a bottle to fill), no re-entering, no extra transport (!!!), crappy sound engineers...they have a lot to learn from their older brothers in Europe!

Maybe we should organise a festival then in Australia!
Too bad it's a long way to get there. :D