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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
It's getting worse in France! :eek:

Was there the attack on Charlie Hebdo, now a jewish supermarket/épicerie has been attacked, and its occupants are being taken as hostages!
Apparently the hostage taker is the same who shot a police officer yesterday in Paris, and knew the 2 brothers (Charlie Hebdo) who are btw actually surrounded near an printing shop/plant.


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
Apparently, there were more gatherings like that elsewhere in Europe. I know for instance in Amsterdam The Hague, Sidney, London and other big cities. (I admit, Sidney is Australia, not Europe)

Yeah and probably more some smaller ones.

You at least will know you're alive :D

Haha yup. It's not as bad as I expected but squats aren't nice right now... :ugly:

It's getting worse in France! :eek:

Was there the attack on Charlie Hebdo, now a jewish supermarket/épicerie has been attacked, and its occupants are being taken as hostages!
Apparently the hostage taker is the same who shot a police officer yesterday in Paris, and knew the 2 brothers (Charlie Hebdo) who are btw actually surrounded near an printing shop/plant.

I was just about to come and say the same, that it's getting worse.

The whole situation is just crazy... I don't really understand what those attackers' goal is. I think these things were planned together or whatever.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia

Yes she is :( She seemed OK to me last night and she managed to put herself to bed by herself. This morning she was very lame and weak, so I took her straight to the vet. The vet reckons it's either a neck problem (possibly due to a dietary deficiency), brain injury or a sign she has cancer. He gave me some syringes for feeding and gave me some advice to follow. I also went to the produce outlet (my foul were nearly out of food anyway), and they were really helpful too. My dilemma is I don't quite know how to force feed her properly, and I don't know if she was drinking the water or just letting it pass through her beak :(


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
If only we knew.

But I think people are getting more extreme. Why? No one can tell.

Yeah seems so. It's scary.

Yes she is :( She seemed OK to me last night and she managed to put herself to bed by herself. This morning she was very lame and weak, so I took her straight to the vet. The vet reckons it's either a neck problem (possibly due to a dietary deficiency), brain injury or a sign she has cancer. He gave me some syringes for feeding and gave me some advice to follow. I also went to the produce outlet (my foul were nearly out of food anyway), and they were really helpful too. My dilemma is I don't quite know how to force feed her properly, and I don't know if she was drinking the water or just letting it pass through her beak :(

Aww. :( That's not good! Hope she get's better!


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
Yes she is :( She seemed OK to me last night and she managed to put herself to bed by herself. This morning she was very lame and weak, so I took her straight to the vet. The vet reckons it's either a neck problem (possibly due to a dietary deficiency), brain injury or a sign she has cancer. He gave me some syringes for feeding and gave me some advice to follow. I also went to the produce outlet (my foul were nearly out of food anyway), and they were really helpful too. My dilemma is I don't quite know how to force feed her properly, and I don't know if she was drinking the water or just letting it pass through her beak :(



W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
Yes she is :( She seemed OK to me last night and she managed to put herself to bed by herself. This morning she was very lame and weak, so I took her straight to the vet. The vet reckons it's either a neck problem (possibly due to a dietary deficiency), brain injury or a sign she has cancer. He gave me some syringes for feeding and gave me some advice to follow. I also went to the produce outlet (my foul were nearly out of food anyway), and they were really helpful too. My dilemma is I don't quite know how to force feed her properly, and I don't know if she was drinking the water or just letting it pass through her beak :(
