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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
speaking of food and beer, what type of beer and food is sold at Wacken usually? and what is the rough cost? trying to work out exactly how much I will need with me for the week!! I looked at the FAQ thread but it didn't really answer.

Its not Tuborg lager like the UK festivals is it?

Gosh no. On the average meal I would have spent half as many euros on a meal as I would have pounds at a festival like Bloodstock Open Air. The variety is not quite as large as Bloodstock, but you can expect German, Italian, Asian, American and Turkish cuisine. If you're tight there's a couple of supermarkets within walking distance of the entrance if you run out of anything, plus the 24hr festival markets sell canned food as well as prepared stuff. Some residents of Wacken sell food and drink from their front or back yards as well.

As far as drinks are concerned, I wouldn't bother buying more than one drink in the entertainment precinct because they are so expensive. The 24hr supermarket (if I recall correctly) sold ~half litre cans of Becks for 2 euros, but if you buy beers from the supermarket I think they work out to about 50 cents each. Tea and coffee probably starts from one euro plus one euro deposit per cup.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
you know it's festival time when you're sitting on a side of a road carefully pouring your cheap-ass whisky into emptied water bottles.


I did some chemist shopping today for the festival season, and yet again bought baby wipes only to find (yet again) I still had a couple of unopened packets at home :uff: I spent soooo long trying to figure out how many I'd need, then recalculated when I found alcohol-based hand sanitisers in another isle :o


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
But on a positive note, I just started to get Long Service Leave hours show up on my payslip. Had I realised how many hours I have, I totally would have considered another/a longer holiday :ugly: Maybe next time :)


W:O:A Metalhead
It's Beck's, which is German piss, they (don't) call beer. Last year's price was €3.50 for 0.3 liter. There's better beer in the supermarket, but you can't take it to the infield. Camping however is no problem at all.

Funny :), every country have they own piss beer. We have Molson/Labatt, U.S. have Coors/Miller, lol.

Is there any better beer in the supermarket ? If not, I will try the shop my canned beer in Hamburg before going to Itzehoe.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Funny :), every country have they own piss beer. We have Molson/Labatt, U.S. have Coors/Miller, lol.

Is there any better beer in the supermarket ? If not, I will try the shop my canned beer in Hamburg before going to Itzehoe.

There's better beer in the local supermarket in the village itself. Either at the little Edeka shop in the center, or the big one at the village bordée.