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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
To be honest hopefully not! It was such a mess on the festival site, overcrowded and so on. To leave was even worse! You were forced to go one way, and if you had to go to a different way, you wouldn't succeed!

I'll need a do-over since I got so wasted before Iron Maiden in 2010 that I missed most of it. That of what I saw, had to be done with one eye shut and two people holding me up. They never let me live that down :o


W:O:A Metalhead
Back from Paris...we had an awesome time there.

I love Paris. Been there in 2008 and 2012. Also 2013 but only to go at the airport.

I went 2x. Once by car. And the Parisiens drive like mad men! Once and never again!
The 2nd time I had to change there. That was the last time I went. Liked it better then.

hehe, true. In 2012, I had to return our rental car in Paris... I'm used to drive in big city (Montreal, Toronto) but Paris is way beyond. It's not my country but i'm pretty sure i could get used to it if I was living there.

I experienced the Arc de Triomphe ... in a cab.. Jezz, this is crazy. When the cab driver tell you how he learn managing the change of lane (signal and close your eyes, lol), we were like wtf :)

Paris is a beautiful.