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2 Apr. 2014
Questions for you :)

Hey Metalheads

How are you? I‘m a graphic design Student from Switzerland and currently working on my final project, a book.

I'm 24 and female and went in 2010 for the first time to wacken openair ;)

I want to portrait a metalhead from every european country and show the „metal cosmos“ and I also want to show that metalheads aren‘t only defined through their music but there is a lot more to them. My main focus lies on the design of the book. I want to give a feeling of the metal scene through the presentation and design.

Send me a message if you are interested in my project, i would be reeeeeally happy to get some answers and photographs from you (as listed below).

Even If you can‘t send me all photos I mentioned or answer all my questions I‘m happy to get as much answers as possible. I need your answers until April the 12th, otherwise it‘s too late for me to use.

Thank you so much and have fun with the questions:) If you want to know something about me or the project just send me a message I‘ll answer as soon as possible. Here is the site with informations about the project so far: https://www.facebook.com/projectdarkbook

Kind Regards Susanne




Send me ...
... the first picture of you as a metalhead.
... the favourite picture of you (as many as you like).
... a picture from your room/favorite place in your apartement/house.
... a picture from the view out of the window in your room.
... a picture from you at a festival.
... a picture from you pursuing your hobby.
... a picture from your pet.
... a picture from your favorite vacation.
... a family photo.
... a photo from you with your friends.
... a picture that describes the metal scene.

What is your favorite joke?

Which sentence describes metalmusic for you?
Which songtext describes metal in your opinion?
Describe metal in one sentence or keywords (without the words „dark“ and „heavy“)
What is darkness for you?

Which is your favorite band?

Describe when and why you started listening to metal music.

Which one was your first festival or concert? How was it?
Describe the metal scene.
What do you think makes the metal scene special in your country?
Which concert in your country was the most special for you?
Do you go abroad for metal concerts?

Tell me about a special experience in reference to metal that hapened to you?

How is your family situation and how does your everyday life look?
How does your family/environment react to you listening to heavy metal?
Are you being approached on the street (in a positive or negative way) because of your music/clothing?
Are you restricted in any fashion by the scene/music (for example with your clothing choices)?
How do you see yourself in 20 years?
Whats your dream?
Whats your motto?

Thank you so much for your support!


W:O:A Metalmaster
8 Mai 2012
i think that i donˋt want to give my privat pictures to a person that i donˋt know...:o


W:O:A Metalmaster
10 Jan. 2002
Edinburgh, Scotland
Which sentence describes metalmusic for you?

Describe metal in one sentence or keywords (without the words „dark“ and „heavy“)

Aren't these basically the same questions?


2 Apr. 2014

Hello there :)

Yes i know it's a lot of questions ;)

@Zombie Those two questions are very similar but not exactly the same :)
Which sentence describes metalmusic for you?
the answer could be: "They cant stop us Let em try For heavy metal We will die!"
Describe metal in one sentence or keywords (without the words „dark“ and „heavy“)
The answer could be: beer, hair and darkness

I know that this are some private informations so everyone can decide for himself if he wants to join or not :) but I'd be really glad because it's for my final project :) (and to be honest most private pictures are on fb nowadays)

Kind Regards and a nice week to you all Susanne


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Hello there :)

Yes i know it's a lot of questions ;)

@Zombie Those two questions are very similar but not exactly the same :)
Which sentence describes metalmusic for you?
the answer could be: "They cant stop us Let em try For heavy metal We will die!"
Describe metal in one sentence or keywords (without the words „dark“ and „heavy“)
The answer could be: beer, hair and darkness

I know that this are some private informations so everyone can decide for himself if he wants to join or not :) but I'd be really glad because it's for my final project :) (and to be honest most private pictures are on fb nowadays)

Kind Regards and a nice week to you all Susanne
I have question too!
You're writing in English only. Are you French or Italian speaking? I know Winterthur is German speaking, but I haven't seen a thread in the German part.

Just curious. ;)