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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I don't even set an alarm anymore. I wake up when my body feels like it.
Or in case I'm on call, when I get a call like last night, 3 times...

If I had it my way, I'd be up at 9am every day, although I much prefer to start work between 7:30-8:00. I don't like driving home in the dark; it makes me feel like my evening is wasted :p Also the traffic gets worse the later I am for work...obviously :o


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
so I found a letter in my mailbox yesterday telling me that the roofing company will work on the roof sometime soon.
So early this morning they already started.. bunch of fuckers... how about letting people know on time so they can arrange stuff... like for instance people that work during the night :mad:


W:O:A Metalhead
so I found a letter in my mailbox yesterday telling me that the roofing company will work on the roof sometime soon.
So early this morning they already started.. bunch of fuckers... how about letting people know on time so they can arrange stuff... like for instance people that work during the night :mad:

Happen to me also last year... It was a summer day, we left the windows open and all the crappy gray/black dust was suck into my appartment... When you have a couch with a white blanket and white curtains... Not really cool.:mad:


31 März 2014
Question re the Bands

This is my first WOA. Whats the likelihood that more bands are added to the current billing? Have they added bands closer to the starting date? If so, any chance there are big name additions?

Also, when does the timetable come out?


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
This is my first WOA. Whats the likelihood that more bands are added to the current billing? Have they added bands closer to the starting date? If so, any chance there are big name additions?

Also, when does the timetable come out?

The bands most likely to be added at this point are the unsigned bands from the "Metal-Battle". I think they usually have last minute surprises (usually announced a couple of days before), and if there are any cancellations they'd be replaced as well.

Timetables will come out in due course :) First with the running order, then actually times will come later.

I'm being hypocritical here but be patient; I know July can't come fast enough but it'll be worth the wait :)