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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I had a quick chat to my supervisor and we decided that I'll take Monday off. I need to make sure I have actual plans for Monday, and with any luck that will include booking some intra-European flights (hopefully 2 of the 3). Maybe I should start looking at hotels too.


W:O:A Metalhead
26 Jan. 2011
666 Helvete Rd.
People still manage to misspell my name in work emails. It's as if they thought the IT guy entered it wrong when my email address was first set up :ugly: I always end up correcting it before I reply back :p

on the other hand it's always better than whne people mispronounce your first name. god that's irritating ahaha


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
on the other hand it's always better than when people mispronounce your first name. god that's irritating ahaha

I've had quite a few people in recent years (mostly when I'm over there) ask me how I say my name, which kind of confuses me a bit (better than the comments I got growing up :o ). I really don't care how people pronounce my first name.

Anyway, I guess it's better that I ask you how to say your name here, rather than my avoiding the use of proper nouns so as to avoid embarrassment in real conversations :ugly: Otherwise I might end up saying "oi hey you" :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
I've had quite a few people in recent years (mostly when I'm over there) ask me how I say my name, which kind of confuses me a bit (better than the comments I got growing up :o ). I really don't care how people pronounce my first name.

Anyway, I guess it's better that I ask you how to say your name here, rather than my avoiding the use of proper nouns so as to avoid embarrassment in real conversations :ugly: Otherwise I might end up saying "oi hey you" :p

It's worse if a foreigner tries to pronounce your name, especially if he speaks an other language. :D:D