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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
I'm sorry, but clearly the people around here are retarded :o

I went to the gym today and figured I might try to get my weekly shop done. Out where I am, it was literally just another regular summer day; no ridiculous heat wave, but couldn't convince my family of this (another story). Everyone around here thinks that when the forecast for Brisbane is 41C then it must be the same here :uff: People were just about fighting for car parks outside my gym (right in the sun) so they could "escape" to the air conditioning of the surrounding shops. I abandoned my plan to buy groceries and went to visit friends in actual Brisbane, where I'm pretty sure it actually was 41C...It was at least 5-10C cooler at home :rolleyes:

Anyway, there's no data for the weather from today around these parts so I can't make a big point of it to everyone else...


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I'm sorry, but clearly the people around here are retarded :o

I went to the gym today and figured I might try to get my weekly shop done. Out where I am, it was literally just another regular summer day; no ridiculous heat wave, but couldn't convince my family of this (another story). Everyone around here thinks that when the forecast for Brisbane is 41C then it must be the same here :uff: People were just about fighting for car parks outside my gym (right in the sun) so they could "escape" to the air conditioning of the surrounding shops. I abandoned my plan to buy groceries and went to visit friends in actual Brisbane, where I'm pretty sure it actually was 41C...It was at least 5-10C cooler at home :rolleyes:

Anyway, there's no data for the weather from today around these parts so I can't make a big point of it to everyone else...

31-36C is still pretty hot, so what's your point? :p


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
31-36C is still pretty hot, so what's your point? :p

My point is it was no different to any other regular summer day. If they wanted to escape the heat they could have easily go down to the bay or to the beach. Both the Gold and Sunshine Coast areas were only around 30C yesterday. Anyway it is much cooler today and the local kids could easily play with their remot control cars or go skateboarding in the same carpark that yesterday had people circling to get a spot.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
first obesity anonymous meeting was a big success!