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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Damn, I'm still tired, even though I went to bed early (for my likings)

But it was running around all monring. To the hospital, back, to school, back again, again to school, and back again. :uff:

Tomorrow hopefully a bit more quiet.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Damn, I'm still tired, even though I went to bed early (for my likings)

But it was running around all monring. To the hospital, back, to school, back again, again to school, and back again. :uff:

Tomorrow hopefully a bit more quiet.

Didn't get to sleep a lot today, because I had to meet up with my mom, so I'm reallyyy tired... however, this means that I'l FINALLY be able to go to sleep early today (yay), which means that I'll probably get to get up before 2pm for once (double yay).


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Didn't get to sleep a lot today, because I had to meet up with my mom, so I'm reallyyy tired... however, this means that I'l FINALLY be able to go to sleep early today (yay), which means that I'll probably get to get up before 2pm for once (double yay).

Oh my!

I wish I could do the same. But got togo to change my health insurance. And since I want it in Dutch... I'm forced to go to Dutch speaking Belgium.