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Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
well, that's different after all ;)

Du huest viiléicht recht!

On a side note.What is it with some people?
This morning, at a podestrian crossing (zebrapad), crossing in front of a car, that was waiting, and all of a sudden, while I was in the middle of the street, it starts going, and now someone who can't read my French?

I think I'll have to stick to Dutch/German/English from now on.


W:O:A Metalgod
19 März 2007
Du huest viiléicht recht!

On a side note.What is it with some people?
This morning, at a podestrian crossing (zebrapad), crossing in front of a car, that was waiting, and all of a sudden, while I was in the middle of the street, it starts going, and now someone who can't read my French?

I think I'll have to stick to Dutch/German/English from now on.