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W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2013
Bedok, Singapore
Ça va. My watch broke yesterday. It still tells time, but I can't put it on my arm anymore. The band will get loose every time. :rolleyes:

And yes, I'm still part of those people needing a watch, becasue it's "bigger" than the clock on my cell / mobile phone.

My dad is one of those people too. He gifted me a rather expensive watch on my birthday, 2 years ago but I could never be arsed to wear it. I even feel slightly bad about it. Most of my awake time is spent in front of a computer and my phone is good enough for me in the remaining time.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
My dad is one of those people too. He gifted me a rather expensive watch on my birthday, 2 years ago but I could never be arsed to wear it. I even feel slightly bad about it. Most of my awake time is spent in front of a computer and my phone is good enough for me in the remaining time.

Makes sense for people who are normally sighted, but my eyesight is bad. I need something I can read easilly. And my cell isn't one of them. The time is written so small, I have to look 3x (2x to turn the image on as it automatically turns off to save battery) and that's too long.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Moin people. How are we doing today? :D

Hmm, not so sure. This morning my mother old me one of our chickens died unexpectedly. Especially since we don't know what killed her, my mother buried the carcass.

Then later today I had to attend an admin meeting and apparently my supervisor wasn't allowed to tell me about what was said. I walked in just in time to find out they're moving my office to the big building from where a huge majority of the community services are based. I won't go into it, but I'm really not happy about it at all. My boss tried to tell me this would be, and I quote "exciting for you". Hah, I doubt it...