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corrupted old gnom

W:O:A Metalhead
23 Aug. 2009
non-fungible tokens
you spend money on a "virtual" but unique thing/asset
I think its uniqueness in guaranteed via blockchain
so, you basicaly pay for something that hasn't really a value to begin with (and so to say no cost of production)
but things may turn out to be a collecters item and become valuable

EDIT: I'm not an expert ;) I couldn't care less actually :D


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
non-fungible tokens
you spend money on a "virtual" but unique thing/asset
I think its uniqueness in guaranteed via blockchain
so, you basicaly pay for something that hasn't really a value to begin with (and so to say no cost of production)
but things may turn out to be a collecters item and become valuable

EDIT: I'm not an expert ;) I couldn't care less actually :D
Yeah I more so meant it’s kind of a pity Wacken is participating in that nonsense