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W:O:A Metalhead
12 Sep. 2013
Bedok, Singapore
If there weren't so many people and I had any idea how to speak Indian I could probably have a really nice inexpensive visit there!

Now is actually a very good time. Indian Rupee is very very weak (about 20% down from normal). And there is no language called "Indian", we have 26 states and almost all states have their own language. You're no worse than an Indian outside his/her home-state. :p

If you stick to no-so-remote places, you can easily get around using English alone.

Remote places = less number of educated people = less English speakers.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Now is actually a very good time. Indian Rupee is very very weak (about 20% down from normal). And there is no language called "Indian", we have 26 states and almost all states have their own language. You're no worse than an Indian outside his/her home-state. :p

If you stick to no-so-remote places, you can easily get around using English alone.

Remote places = less number of educated people = less English speakers.

That would make it very confusing! I am so glad we have one (or two) languages for the whole country. Of course we only have 26 million people here too.