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W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011
I think it's never good to go to a hospital at all! Regardless fo what country youy're in. :o

Yes. That's what I said.

If you get toothache at the weekend, Milkie said in Finland you go to the regular dentist, while in Germany you have to go to the head-clinic.

So in my opinion the Finish regulation is better than the German.


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yes. That's what I said.

If you get toothache at the weekend, Milkie said in Finland you go to the regular dentist, while in Germany you have to go to the head-clinic.

So in my opinion the Finish regulation is better than the German.
It's almost the same in NL. You have a dentist (and general doctor) of guard, in case of emergency.
In Belgium too, except for the dentist.
What a shitty day :o Nothing super terrible, just one crappy thing after the fucking other :mad:
*gives hugs*
Ach, und moin Leute.



W:O:A Metalgod
13 Juli 2011


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Oh... it's not your "lucky day", is it? :(

Nope :(

You have to wait 6 weeks for an emergency (!) appointment! :eek::confused:
I hope for you, you'll never get sick! :)

Well, that's for the public dentist attached to the hospital near where I live. I used to work in the same building right across from their reception. When they answered the phone they sounded like broken records. Apparently for someone to get their tooth seen to earlier they'd have to go to a Brisbane clinic very early for a "walk-in" clinic (first in, first serve kind of deal). Hygienist appointments they'd have to wait 5 years.

Myself, I have private health insurance, and my dentist is rad enough to bill all costs to my insurance company so I don't have to pay anything extra when I visit (up to a certain amount per year, I might have to pay more if I needed something like a root canal). Still, I do have to wait a while when I book for an appointment; he's gets a lot of business, and is very experienced and good at his job (he's not far off retiring actually).


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Nope :(

Well, that's for the public dentist attached to the hospital near where I live. I used to work in the same building right across from their reception. When they answered the phone they sounded like broken records. Apparently for someone to get their tooth seen to earlier they'd have to go to a Brisbane clinic very early for a "walk-in" clinic (first in, first serve kind of deal). Hygienist appointments they'd have to wait 5 years.

Myself, I have private health insurance, and my dentist is rad enough to bill all costs to my insurance company so I don't have to pay anything extra when I visit (up to a certain amount per year, I might have to pay more if I needed something like a root canal). Still, I do have to wait a while when I book for an appointment; he's gets a lot of business, and is very experienced and good at his job (he's not far off retiring actually).
But that's for a "normal" appointment or something, or am I misreading something here?

Which reminds me, I have to call my ophtalmologue for an appointment for a check up of my eyes.


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Feeling slightly better now. Earlier today when I was feeling cranky, I texted a friend to see if he and his wife were home this afternoon (they use the same number), in the hope that I could see them and drink too much tea etc. Got a text straight away saying they'd moved to the other end of Brisbane :( Anyway just got a phone call from the wife to see how I was, and also got a quick word in with their daughter who calls me "aunty" :) Ah, the simple pleasures :)