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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Had an interesting conversation at work today. Every Thursday now two of the three consultants discuss their patients one after the other in a meeting that I have to attend, along with a bunch of health professionals involved in their care. The first group of doctors left the room, leaving only a nurse (who I know is into metal), a nursing student, a pharmacist and myself.

The nurse then asked me "so how was Europe?" and I tried hard to contain my enthusiasm, but started blabbing on. Of course I got started on Wacken, at which point the student said "which festival is this?" and I said "oh it's a music festival in northern Germany-" and she said "Wacken?...I went there in 2009 :D" She then told us she bought a ticket to Soundwave, but that she hadn't been there before, next thing I know the four of us got talking music festivals :D It was great :)


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Had an interesting conversation at work today. Every Thursday now two of the three consultants discuss their patients one after the other in a meeting that I have to attend, along with a bunch of health professionals involved in their care. The first group of doctors left the room, leaving only a nurse (who I know is into metal), a nursing student, a pharmacist and myself.

The nurse then asked me "so how was Europe?" and I tried hard to contain my enthusiasm, but started blabbing on. Of course I got started on Wacken, at which point the student said "which festival is this?" and I said "oh it's a music festival in northern Germany-" and she said "Wacken?...I went there in 2009 :D" She then told us she bought a ticket to Soundwave, but that she hadn't been there before, next thing I know the four of us got talking music festivals :D It was great :)

I love it when that happens! We did a tour in Bayeux France and our tour group consisted of only her, us two and another guy and it turned out we were all into metal so we spent our whole tour time listening to Sabaton while driving between places since she had their CD in her van LOL


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
you're telling me we did actually land on the moon? :eek:
No, you did NOT land on the moon. That was Armstrong. Way before you were born. :p
Had an interesting conversation at work today. Every Thursday now two of the three consultants discuss their patients one after the other in a meeting that I have to attend, along with a bunch of health professionals involved in their care. The first group of doctors left the room, leaving only a nurse (who I know is into metal), a nursing student, a pharmacist and myself.

The nurse then asked me "so how was Europe?" and I tried hard to contain my enthusiasm, but started blabbing on. Of course I got started on Wacken, at which point the student said "which festival is this?" and I said "oh it's a music festival in northern Germany-" and she said "Wacken?...I went there in 2009 :D" She then told us she bought a ticket to Soundwave, but that she hadn't been there before, next thing I know the four of us got talking music festivals :D It was great :)
So now the whole bunch is coming over for 2014? :ugly::D
Morning everyone!
