Who's got plans for the weekend?
A birthday tomorrow and maybe Pairi Daisa in the morning.
On Sunday maybe a procession somewhere here. A good occasion to drink loads of beer.

Who's got plans for the weekend?
I don't know what it's like in Finland, but here there's always plenty of opportunities to redo school finish/study later on in life, often state-funded.
I mean, my school results suuuuckkked...
...11 years later i'm doing post-graduate mathematics and I never even told anyone what my results were, just did some pre-uni study course a few years ago...
But still, finishing school is a very good idea generally![]()
Sounds like a friend of mine. She left high school with the worst possible score, but now she's studying for her PhD!
I notice that a lot with metalheads. Maybe not the post-graduate part, but I know a bunch of people that did badly in school, then got themselves together and did great in college. Myself included.
I wouldn't really call it a metalhead thing though, most people I know doing similarly aren't into metal...
I wouldn't really call it a metalhead thing though, most people I know doing similarly aren't into metal...
I didn't mean it's exclusive to metalheads. But I see it more in metalheads than normal people, on average.
(To be specific, in my experience, the percentage of metalheads who did that is higher than the percentage of normal people who did that.)
kan ik begrijpen, ik heb tot nu toe ook nog geen gaatje in mn agenda kunnen prikken.
Welke dag is dat in papenberg, wellicht dat we op de terugweg dan nog even kunnen meeten ofzo?
Of het weekend van 4-6 oktober (zo. 6 dan) of een week later.
Het is het weekend van 4-6 oktober geworden.
Aangezien jij vrijdags werkt, en ik iemand uit Duisburg moet meenemen (vanuit Nijmegen), ga ik heen via Roosendaal-Tilburg-Den Bosch-Nijmegen. Daar 'n half uur stoppen (voor het ophalen en de obligate paf), en dan verder van Nijmegen-Arnhem-Dieren-Zutphen-Deventer-Zwolle. Dan kan ik vandaar door naar Groningen en Nieuweschans-Leer.
Terug dan Leer-Nieuweschans-Groningen-Zwolle-Lelystad C en Almere C. Dan stap ik daar wel over op 'n trein naar M'wijk, of met 'n bus. Moet ik dan nog effe bekijken.
Als ik 's avonds maar wel weer in Karelskoning ben. Anders ben ik bang dat ik doorrij. (Utrecht-Den Bosch-Roosendaal)
Ik hoor het wel zodra je uitgevogelt hebt wat haalbaar is.
I don't know such animal.
Hyvää yötä!!!
Rofl, that would be awkward if you weren't? I don't even understand that LOL
Happy Birthday though! when is it?