W:O:A Metalmaster
You're making me scared.
I guess you should know I'm a Monty Python fan. If I had to put money in a jar for every time I quoted something from their films, I'd be poor

You're making me scared.
At first, then homicidalLike when I came home this time: every time this woman stood up she had to put her arse in my face
And of course upon landing, if you stand in the isles with your arse in someone's face that mean's you'll get off the plane quicker etc.
Then I got handbags in my face. Boy was that fun
The first time I entered Germany I was so wrecked I couldn't even answer/remember my reason for travel straight away![]()
I guess you should know I'm a Monty Python fan. If I had to put money in a jar for every time I quoted something from their films, I'd be poor![]()
I see, haha.But yes... I definitely wouldn't watch anything dubbed.
If you were here for some relaxing holidays, you'll be totally stressed again until they let you out of the plane, right?
That means you need as soon as possible another holiday.![]()
So you went back to the plane and flew back home? No, not really?
You remembered the reason why you were here, I suppose?![]()
Fine, I'll stop referencing![]()
A lot of people I speak to say the same thing and take an extra week off before going back to work. I on the other hand, stay up for as long as I possibly can on the day I come home, then sleep for as long as I need to, then back to work the following day.
Gosh no! Nothing quite like the sense of freedom like setting foot in another continent
The conversation went as follows:
Police: What's your reason for travel?
Police: Business? Holiday?
Me: ...oh
Police: How long are you staying here?
Me: A week
Police: *stamp* HAVE A NICE TIME! ENJOY GERMANY![]()
To me it sounds like a pretty rough program.
On the other way you use the full length of your holidays, so the really long journey is more profitable.
God... my English is so rusty... how embarassing...![]()
Hm... ok. We have nice police officers here. Good to know.
But don't you have the same freedom in Australia? I always thought this.
I mean you don't live in China or Iran or States like this?![]()
i shall do no such thing!
Too bad. I reckon your night must've been a rough one then!![]()
It works for me. The only downside of it is I don't always know how much sleep I actually got on the plane or how long I will stay asleep. I managed a few hours on my first trip home and slept 10 hours the night I got home, but my last trip I had 0 hours sleep on the plane, over-estimated how long I should stay awake and was in bed until 2pm the next day. The following day at work was not fun at allWhen I did my sums I realised I was awake for 53 hours straight...I don't recommend it.
As an Australian returning home, the short of it is they're scared you'll bring something into the country that will kill everything. Also they're not too keen on drug trafficking and so on.
And if you fly from... Perth to Brisbane for example, they act like this, too?
Oh but they still do the random explosives swabs and they get narky if you're carrying weapons or stuff like that.
I think so.
53 hours without any sleep. I think I would die.![]()