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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Yey! Tha's good. :D I don't even want to know what it feels like to travel to australia and have the jetlag.. :D

If it were at all possible to arrive in either Europe or home in the evening, it wouldn't be an issue. I worked out I was awake for 53 hours, then expected to be able to sleep again after only being awake for about 8 hours :ugly: Wish I was one of those people who could sleep in "cattle" class :o


W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
If it were at all possible to arrive in either Europe or home in the evening, it wouldn't be an issue. I worked out I was awake for 53 hours, then expected to be able to sleep again after only being awake for about 8 hours :ugly: Wish I was one of those people who could sleep in "cattle" class :o

The alternative would be to pay thousands more for first class or business class where they have actual beds and stuff. If I made so much money that I didn't know how to spend it, I totally would go first class.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
If it were at all possible to arrive in either Europe or home in the evening, it wouldn't be an issue. I worked out I was awake for 53 hours, then expected to be able to sleep again after only being awake for about 8 hours :ugly: Wish I was one of those people who could sleep in "cattle" class :o

I never have a problem sleeping in public transport, never tried to sleep on a plane though. have only been in an plane 3 hours in my entire life though :p


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Yey! Tha's good. :D I don't even want to know what it feels like to travel to australia and have the jetlag.. :D
I did the US (east coast) and I can tell you, it took me almost a week to get used to it. I'm a bit sensitive in those matters.

The worst was that I flew during the night, tried to sleep, but of course it was a short night. So at 5pm (CET) I went to sleep until the next day.

And TO the US, we left at 7.30am (CET) from Helmond, and arrived at midnight (ET) in Rochester (NY), making it a 24hrs day.
I never have a problem sleeping in public transport, never tried to sleep on a plane though. have only been in an plane 3 hours in my entire life though :p

3hrs isn't that much to sleep. 8hrs is mroe decent, but difficult in a plane.


W:O:A Metalgod
22 Juni 2005
Almere, Holland
I did the US (east coast) and I can tell you, it took me almost a week to get used to it. I'm a bit sensitive in those matters.

The worst was that I flew during the night, tried to sleep, but of course it was a short night. So at 5pm (CET) I went to sleep until the next day.

And TO the US, we left at 7.30am (CET) from Helmond, and arrived at midnight (ET) in Rochester (NY), making it a 24hrs day.

3hrs isn't that much to sleep. 8hrs is mroe decent, but difficult in a plane.

helomd has an airport with a direct connection to the us? :confused::ugly::confused:


W:O:A Metalmaster
23 Juli 2013
Hellsinki, Finland
I did the US (east coast) and I can tell you, it took me almost a week to get used to it. I'm a bit sensitive in those matters.

The worst was that I flew during the night, tried to sleep, but of course it was a short night. So at 5pm (CET) I went to sleep until the next day.

And TO the US, we left at 7.30am (CET) from Helmond, and arrived at midnight (ET) in Rochester (NY), making it a 24hrs day.

3hrs isn't that much to sleep. 8hrs is mroe decent, but difficult in a plane.

Doesn't sound too nice :p


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Last year's so-called relief indeed was a nightmare :o Failed to mention to my boss that she couldn't touch type and therefore didn't do a great job, then decided to work in another position that needed to be filled just two weeks into my holiday (I was off for 7 weeks). The other chick didn't bother to show up half the time :o

Goodness that sounds horrible! Nothing worse than coming back from vacation to a desk full of work that no one did while you were gone.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
If it were at all possible to arrive in either Europe or home in the evening, it wouldn't be an issue. I worked out I was awake for 53 hours, then expected to be able to sleep again after only being awake for about 8 hours :ugly: Wish I was one of those people who could sleep in "cattle" class :o

I can't sleep on planes either but its only about 36 hours of being awake for me.


W:O:A Metalhead
31 Aug. 2012
Aylmer, Quebec Canada
Yeah I can sleep on a train, but trains have space :o

Only if the train is a 'sleeper' - I am amazed I managed to get any sleep at all on the way to Cologne on the Metal Train.. The 'sleeper' ended up being a shared one with 4 other people (besides my bf) that I didn't know. Normally I would have been far too uncomfortable to sleep. Of course I had been up for almost the whole time we were at Wacken save a few hours here and there that I managed between the drunkenness around me LOL - so I was REALLY tired.