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W:O:A Metalmaster
12 Juli 2010
near Brisbane, Australia
Awww. I have had to cut back my caffeine also - just 1 per day now because my boyfriend gave up caffeine totally as it makes him too anxious so now I get it only at work.

At least the person covering your job didn't mess up too badly - that would cause a lot of stress!

Last year's so-called relief indeed was a nightmare :o Failed to mention to my boss that she couldn't touch type and therefore didn't do a great job, then decided to work in another position that needed to be filled just two weeks into my holiday (I was off for 7 weeks). The other chick didn't bother to show up half the time :o


Der Beste
19 Juli 2004
Best, Nederland. Jetzt Belgien
Last year's so-called relief indeed was a nightmare :o Failed to mention to my boss that she couldn't touch type and therefore didn't do a great job, then decided to work in another position that needed to be filled just two weeks into my holiday (I was off for 7 weeks). The other chick didn't bother to show up half the time :o

Not much of a help either then. :uff: